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141 members
VITA er Norges største kjede innen skjønnhet og velvære og har i dag 117 butikker fordelt over hele Norge, inkludert nettbutikken vita.no. ✨ Den første VITA-butikken ble åpnet i Oslo i 1981. VITA er... Show more
💄 Beauty
Who can become a VITA ambassador?
VITA er en destinasjon hvor våre kunder kan søke inspirasjon, gode råd og førsteklasses produkter innen skjønnhet, helse og velvære. For å representere VITA på en måte som reflekterer våre verdier og... Show more
Perks and benefits
Exclusive discounts
Gain exclusive access to significant promotions on selected items from our brand
First to try products
With us, you will have access to exclusive never-before-seen products that will knock the shoes off your community
Be the star of our upcoming photoshoots, plus the chance to be featured on our socials
Featured on our socials
Create authentic content with products from our brand and we will feature you on our socials
Join the team today
VITA is looking for influencers just like your for collaborations right now! Apply and join their influencer team today.
How does it work
Apply to the team
Fill out the application to join the VITA’s team of influencers and gain access to all the benefits
Join campaigns
Join or negotiate the open campaigns that you'd like to help VITA promote.
Start creating with VITA
Receive the products related to the campaign and begin posting on your social media.
Claim your reward
After completing the campaigns, you will receive the agreed-upon reward for your efforts.