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RetNemt Måltidskasser

45 members

Hos RetNemt Måltidskasser elsker vi god mad! Vi er et team af madentusiaster, der sætter god smag på din hverdag med sunde og inspirerende måltider – én måltidskasse ad gangen.

🍎 Food brands

Who can become a RetNemt Måltidskasser ambassador?

Vi søger passionerede influencere, der kan se sig selv i en stor del af nedenstående karakteristika: 🛒 Hovedansvarlig for madplaner og indkøb derhjemme 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Forælder, der gerne inkluderer d... Show more

Perks and benefits

Featured on our socials

Create authentic content with products from our brand and we will feature you on our socials

Join the team today

RetNemt Måltidskasser is looking for influencers just like your for collaborations right now! Apply and join their influencer team today.

How does it work


Apply to the team

Fill out the application to join the RetNemt Måltidskasser’s team of influencers and gain access to all the benefits


Join campaigns

Join or negotiate the open campaigns that you'd like to help RetNemt Måltidskasser promote.


Start creating with RetNemt Måltidskasser

Receive the products related to the campaign and begin posting on your social media.


Claim your reward

After completing the campaigns, you will receive the agreed-upon reward for your efforts.