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Basic & More
61 members
”Vi køber billigt, og vi sælger billigt” - Det er mantraet hos Basic & More. Vi opkøber overproduktion, udgåede varer, restpartier, varer med emballagefejl, skønhedsfejl, datovarer og deslige. Vare... Show more
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Who can become a Basic & More ambassador?
Den ideelle influencer, er en influencer der har en interesse i livsstil, alt fra madlavning, til indretning, til trends.
Perks and benefits
Social gatherings
Being a part of our community means being a VIP at our social gatherings.
Let's create a buzz together with exciting competitions - exclusive gifts from us.
Featured on our socials
Create authentic content with products from our brand and we will feature you on our socials
Get to know other members
Create long-lasting friendships with other influencers within our community
Join the team today
Basic & More is looking for influencers just like your for collaborations right now! Apply and join their influencer team today.
How does it work
Apply to the team
Fill out the application to join the Basic & More’s team of influencers and gain access to all the benefits
Join campaigns
Join or negotiate the open campaigns that you'd like to help Basic & More promote.
Start creating with Basic & More
Receive the products related to the campaign and begin posting on your social media.
Claim your reward
After completing the campaigns, you will receive the agreed-upon reward for your efforts.