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330 members

GoWish/Ønskeskyen is your digital wishlist, where you can create and save all your wishes in one place☁️ Download the app, create a profile, and add wishes that you can easily share with all your friends. The app makes it easy for your friends and family to reserve and purchase your wishes. The app is called Ønskeskyen in Denmark/Norway, and GoWish in all other markets😊 ☁️Easily create all kinds of wishes from all online stores worldwide ☁️You can share wishlists digitally with your friends and family ☁️Avoid wrong gifts or two of the same gift ☁️You can follow your friends' wishlists ☁️You can find inspiration for your next wishlist from all the coolest brands We want people to use our app all year round, and not just for Christmas and birthdays. That's why we need your help: ✅ You'll help engage people to want to use the app all year round, whether it's for birthdays, Christmas, to-do lists or inspiration! ✅ You'll help create interesting content for your target audience We believe in creative freedom, which is also reflected in working with us. We want long-term collaborations and will invest in more videos from the same profile if you do well🙏 We “wish” that you want to help us 🥰


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69 members

Forestil dig, at de 18 milliarder euro, som teleselskaberne brugte på reklamer sidste år, blev investeret i vores planet og samfund i stedet. Alt for ofte ser vi, at disse virksomheder vælger klichefyldte tv-reklamer frem for at investere i bæredygtige teknologier eller styrke lokalsamfundene. Worthmore præsenterer en alternativ vej – ved simpelthen at skifte dit SIM-kort, kan du begynde at gøre en forskel. For hver abonnent dedikerer Worthmore 15kr/mdr til konkrete, fællesskabsstøttende initiativer, i samarbejde med anerkendte organisationer der arbejder inden for områder som børnevelfærd, klimaforandringer og havrensning. Og det bedste er? Alt andet forbliver uændret – dit nummer, servicekvaliteten, og ofte tilbyder vi endda lavere priser. Men mest afgørende er det, at du tager stilling imod ressourcespild og for en mere omsorgsfuld og bæredygtig fremtid. Vi søger individer med reel indflydelse og et hjerte, der banker for forandring, til at slutte sig til vores bevægelse og vise verden, at der findes en bedre måde at drive virksomhed på. Vil du være med os på denne rejse?


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80 members

b.young is a feeling 🤎 Being young isn’t just a number: it’s a state of mind 🍃 Having optimism, energy and enthusiasm in spite of age. It’s a powerful driving force. As personality, emotions and style evolve throughout life, you discover who you truly are as a woman. We are all unique – and what sets us apart is what makes us beautiful. What we expect you to 💌: - Deliver high quality content - Meet the deadlines - Always read the brief, and meet the terms and conditions You will get 🎁: - Gifted styles (The amount depends on the campaign) - A possible long-term cooperation - The opportunity to participate in cool events with b.young About the collaboration 📱: - First things first, we have to get to know each other - If the connection and collaboration is good, we will continue the collab. - Then, you will become one of our special amdassadors (#byoungwomen) Fashion is what you buy, style is how you wear it – and b.young is about the freedom to be exactly who you are!

🛍 Fashion

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101 members

✨surisuri er en online K-beauty shop med det bedste inden for koreansk hudpleje!✨💕 Vi tilbyder koreanske hudplejeprodukter fra de bedste mærker, som Anua, Beauty of Joseon, COSRX, Heimish og Mizon! Vi tilbyder også vores "K-Beauty Box", en abonnement boks, hvor du hver måned kan opdage og prøve nye spændende koreanske hudpleje produkter! Ud fra et månedligt tema udvælger vi de bedste produkter til vores K-beauty Box!🎉 _________________________________________________________________________________________ ✨ surisuri är en online K-beauty-butik med det bästa inom koreansk hudvård! ✨💕 Vi erbjuder koreanska hudvårdsprodukter från de bästa märkena, som Anua, Beauty of Joseon, COSRX, Heimish ock Mizon! Dessutom har vi vår "K-Beauty Box", en prenumerationsbox, där du varje månad kan upptäcka och prova nya spännande koreanska hudvårdsprodukter! Baserat på ett månatligt tema väljer vi ut de bästa produkterna till vår K-beauty Box! 🎉

💄 Beauty

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ZBC - uddannelser forandre verden

43 members

Vær med til forandring! 📍 ZBC er Danmarks største erhvervsskole 🏫 Vores udbud af erhvervsuddannelser er så alsidigt, at det får dit hjerte til at banke hurtigere. Men det stopper ikke der - vi tilbyder også HHX- og HTX-uddannelser, 10. klasse og et væld af kurser og efteruddannelser. Vi er en gigantisk legeplads af læring og udforskning, og du er inviteret til at være en del af det! 🎓🌟 📍 Selvom vi er store, går vores mission ud på at forme fremtiden på individuel basis. Vi er dedikerede til at levere kvalitet i alle vores uddannelser. Vi tror på at give dig muligheden for at finde din egen vej og opdage dit potentiale (eller måske du allerede har fundet din vej og vil fortælle om dette?)🌱📚 📍 ZBC strækker sig over 10 byer på Sjælland: Faxe, Holbæk, Kalundborg, Køge, Næstved, Ringsted, Roskilde, Slagelse og Vordingborg. Så hvad enten du bor midt i smørhullet i København eller ude på landet, er der altid en ZBC-tæt på dig. 🌆🏡 📍 Vi ønsker at starte et samarbejde med dig på TikTok. Har du selv gået på ZBC, overvejer at blive en del af ZBC-familien eller bare brænder for uddannelse omkring region Sjælland? Så er dette din chance for at dele din entusiasme, historie eller andet omkring ZBC! 💃🎤 📍 Vi er super åbne for kreative idéer. Hvis du har en vild plan for at sprede budskabet om vores uddannelser, så smid det i din ansøgning til vores team. Vi er klar til at tage det til det næste niveau sammen med dig! 👏🏼💡


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65 members

mama;licious Here for every moment At mama;licious, we create purposeful pieces to be loved now and beyond just one season. Our maternity wear has always stood for reliability and comfortability – even in the smallest details. And now, 18 years after we were established, we still deliver important and meaningful fashion in different shapes and sizes. mama;licious is a Danish maternity-wear brand, founded in 2005 as part of the BESTSELLER family. With a finger on the pulse and a clear vision to present products that perfectly join affordable prices and size availability, we offer style-focused pieces that fully cover and embrace mom-life, and provide you with, simple yet important options. During, After & Beyond is our concept built on a belief and philosophy about extending the life cycle of our garments. Not only do our designs allow you to stay true to your personal style during your pregnancy - but also after and beyond pregnancy. We cater for a rising pregnancy bump – but also past it - without compromising on fit, comfortability, function or quality. So, welcome mama, we got you!

🛍 Fashion

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Everlast Ambassadors

65 members

At EVERLAST® NORDIC, we are dedicated to elevating your training and overall lifestyle with our athletic wear and streetwear collections. Inspired by Nordic design principles of quality and comfort, our collections support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle, whether you're in the boxing ring, at the gym, or navigating the routines of everyday life. 🏋️💪 We make products that keep up with your ambitions, from intense training sessions to restful days centered on recovery. Our range embodies a balance between functionality and style, developed to meet the demands of the modern fitnesss enthusiast for durability without sacrificing design. Join EVERLAST® NORDIC - a brand that inspires an active and healthy lifestyle. We represent more than just cloth and gear; we stand for a lifestyle, where every punch, step, and breath brings us closer to the goal of well-being and personal triumphs. 🏆

🎾 Sport

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117 members

Er du livsnyder med smag for det gode liv? Og vil du være med til at inspirere dine følgere til at leve sundere – uden at gå på kompromis med ’det søde’? Hos EASIS brænder vi for at gøre det nemmere (og sjovere) at leve sundt, og vi håber du vil være med. Som en del af Team EASIS kan du få mulighed for at engagere dig på forskellige niveauer: ✨ Eksklusive produkter: Gå på opdagelse i vores mange produkter og del dine favoritter med dine følgere. 💚Inspirerende fællesskab: Deltag i events og bliv en del af vores fællesskab, hvor vi deler tips, opskrifter og støtter hinanden i sund livsstil. 📣 Synlighed: Få mulighed for at blive fremhævet på vores platforme som en del af Team EASIS og forkæl dine følgere med lækre give aways.

🍎 Food brands

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Rabatta Danmark 🇩🇰

64 members

Rabatta er dit personlige shopping-værktøj, der sparer dig penge. Rabatta er en app og browserudvidelse til online shopping, som finder rabatkoder, sammenligner priser og sparer dig penge. Vi samler rabatkoder og produktpriser i vores app, og vores brugere kan tilgå dem fuldstændig gratis. Rabatta virker primært i din internetbrowser på din telefon eller computer, hvor den popper op, når et produkt kan findes til en billigere pris, eller i checkout på en webshop når der er tilgængelige rabatkoder til siden. Man kan også vælge sine favorit-butikker inde i appen og få besked, når der er nye rabatkoder hertil. Appen er relevant for alle der shopper online - hvem vil ikke gerne spare penge? Hent appen ligesom mere end 1.000.000 andre og få adgang til rabatkoder til over 10.000 forskellige webshops! Det er 100% gratis.


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Vitabalans Danmark

25 members

Sundhed og velvære indefra. Teamet for dig, der er glad for kosttilskud eller har lyst til at prøve noget nyt, der kan være med til at nære, pleje og støtte sundhed og velvære indefra, samtidigt med at du gerne vil dele det med dine følgere. Vitabalans’ kostilskud er udviklet til at understøtte en sund livsstil og give velvære indefra. Produkterne er med til at dække flere behov og er bl.a. Biotin Strong, der er udviklet til at styrke og vedligholde hår og negle, Beauty Omega 7 kapsler, der giver pleje og fugt til huden indefra, Lacto Seven, mælkesyrebakterier med D-vitamin til både børn og voksne, der har fokus maven og immunforsvaret og Cofi-Tabs koffeintabletter, der er et godt alternativ til kaffe og giver den samme opkvikkende effekt, og mange flere.


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L'Occitane en Provence

66 members

We are looking for influencers who align with our brand values and love to take care of their skin 👋 Are you ready to take your daily skin care routine and your senses to the next level with L'Occitane's sensorial and effective products for body, face and hair? L'Occitane offers natural quality products for face, body, hair and fragrances for both women and men. 🌞 We want to spread sunshine and warmth from Provence, where many of our ingredients are grown and harvested 🌿 The ingredients are traceable and we are involved from the ground up in our raw materials and throughout production. We take advantage of the best that nature has to offer and we constantly work to give back through our commitments to the environment and biodiversity 🌱 Join our team and follow us on a journey towards happy skin, uplifted mind and where we do our best to create positive change for the world 💛 L'Occitane en Provence is B CORP™ certified which confirms that we meet a high standard of social and environmental impact and recognizes our commitment to people and our planet 🌍

💄 Beauty

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22 members

Snart er det tid til Europa-Parlamentsvalg. Bliv en del af vores team og vær med til at sprede budskabet blandt landets unge, så vi sammen kan sikre, at så mange stemmer som overhovedet muligt - og tilsvarende få kommer med undskyldninger for ikke at stemme. For undskyldninger er der nok af, men det er kun stemmer, der tæller. Det er derfor, vi med kampagnen siger: “Stem sammen”. Og det er her, hvor du som influencer kan være med til at gøre en forskel ved at komme med information og argumenter om vigtigheden af at stemme, men også gode råd og fifs til både, hvordan man kan sætte sig ind i valget, men i særdeleshed hvordan man kan gøre dét at stemme til en sjov/social ting sammen med venner/familie. I kampagnen vil Lasse Dein desuden være med til at sætte fokus på de mange dårlige og overdrevne undskyldninger, målgruppen kunne have for ikke at stemme. Europa-Parlamentsvalget i Danmark skal afholdes søndag den 9. juni 2024, og det er derfor vigtigt, at du kan deltage i den periode og ugerne og til, hvor content skal produceres.


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Argon Audio Ambassadors

40 members

At Argon Audio, we believe that music is an essential part of life and that everyone should have access to high-quality audio equipment 🎶 That's why we've made it our mission to bring the best value-for-money audio products to market, combining cutting-edge technology with sleek design. How is this possible? In short, we develop the products ourselves and ship them directly from the factory to our customers. The savings by doing business this way are substantial and benefit the end user massively. Oh, and don't worry about the quality; Argon Audio is built to work for years! We're a team of audiophiles, engineers, and designers who are passionate about sound. We're dedicated to delivering the best audio experience possible, so everybody can enjoy their music, movies, and games like never before. Our product line includes a range of speakers, amplifiers, turntables, and much more in minimalistic Scandinavian design at real value for money 🔥

⌚️ Gadgets

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Hello Pasta

100 members

🍝✨ Hej! Er du klar til at blive blæst væk af en helt ny pastaoplevelse i hjertet af København? 💫 Lad mig introducere jer til HelloPasta – stedet, hvor pastaens magi bliver født hver eneste morgen! Forestil jer dette: I en charmerende baggård på Grønnegade, i det pulserende centrum af København, vækkes byen til liv af duften af frisklavet pasta, der danser gennem luften. 🌟 HelloPasta er ikke bare et sted, det er en oplevelse, en rejse ind i pastaens fortryllede verden! Hos HelloPasta handler det ikke bare om at spise pasta; det handler om at opleve den ægte, autentiske smag af Italien, lige her i Danmarks smukke hovedstad. 🇮🇹🌆 Hver morgen starter vores mesterkokke deres kreative symfoni af friske råvarer og kærlighed til håndværket for at skabe den mest lækre, silkebløde pasta, I nogensinde har smagt! Fra klassiske favoritter som spaghetti carbonara til innovative, sæsonbaserede kreationer, vil HelloPasta bringe jeres smagsløg på en uforglemmelig rejse. 🎉 Og mens I nyder den udsøgte smag af vores hjemmelavede pasta, kan I også nyde den pulserende atmosfære i vores hyggelige lokaler og blive en del af vores voksende HelloPasta community!

🍔 Restaurants

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BALL Original

26 members

BALL TAKES YOU BACK TO BASICS Originality is not something you create. Originality is something you achieve - if you have the vision to see what no one else sees. Originality is about being unique, innovative and having the ability to break established patterns. When we use words like fashion icons, must-haves and long-lasting classics, we know we’re talking about something special, something original, worth treasuring and building on. Like BALL. What we expect you to: - Deliver high quality content - Meet the deadlines - Always read the brief, and meet the terms and conditions You will get: - Gifted styles (The amount depends on the campaign) - A possible long-term cooperation - The opportunity to participate in cool events About the collaboration: - First things first, we have to get to know each other - If the connection and collaboration is good, we will continue the collab

🛍 Fashion

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57 members

Nørrebrew er vennegruppen bag den trendende økologiske energi-iste Maté Maté og kombuchabryggeriet Læsk. Vi vil gerne sprede budskabet om vores økologiske læskedrikke, og finde nogle gode, kreative ambassadører, der kan hjælpe os med at øge kendskabsgraden i hele Danmark. Hvis du elsker Maté Maté eller Læsk, eller aldrig har smagt og har en forkærlighed for lækre, *sundere* drikkevarer, så send os en ansøgning nu. Inkluder rigtig gerne et lille skriv om du er mest til Maté Maté eller Læsk, og hvorfor. Det er også okay, hvis du ikke har en præference. Maté Maté: koldbrygget yerba maté iste med bobler og naturlig koffein samt lidt citronsaft. Har halvt så meget sukker som almindelige energidrikke, og ingen kunstige tilsætningsstoffer. Koffein svarende til en kop kaffe 🌿⚡️ Læsk: håndbrygget kombucha på premium råvarer; højkvalitets grøn te og rigtige juicer. Sukkerindholdet er under det halve af sodavand og juice, og der er intet kunstigt i vores kombucha. Fermenteret med bakterier og gær, og friskt, sødt og syrligt i smagen på samme tid. Danmarks mest populære kombucha 👾✨

🥤 Beverage brands

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74 members

FOR THE HUNGRY GENERATION. We are part of the hungry generation. We live, we learn, we continue to grow. We understand that customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are now well informed. Our eyewear is all designed in Copenhagen by a young, authentic, international team that has a strong opinion about fashion BREAKING DOWN THE BARRIERS. We are breaking down the barriers between aspiration and access, redefining the value for this and future generations. Our products highlight Scandinavian minimalism, backed by our commitment to design and quality. DOING OUR PART. From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to do something to give back to our global community. That's why we partner up with two NGOs to clean our oceans. For every pair of MessyWeekend's eyewear or goggles sold, we donate to clean the equivalent of 100 plastic straws out of our oceans.

🛍 Fashion

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Sun Lolly

62 members

Hello Influencers, We are looking for influencers who align with our brand values and would like to collaborate with Sun Lolly, a fun and tasty product brand that has been a part of the Nordics since 1979. At Sun Lolly, our ultimate goal is to make families happy by providing naturally good-time moments to our consumers for over 40 years. We are a trusted original without any preservatives, artificial flavours or sweeteners, ensuring a great natural taste. 😎 Our products are loved by both small and not-so-small, expanding quickly to our neighbouring countries since 2020. We offer responsible portion sizes that offer moments of deliciously fun refreshment. ✨ Sun Lolly products are not only convenient to buy, transport and store, but also handy to serve and consume, making them the perfect treat at home or on the go. Our affordable quality ensures that everyone feels included and can experience fun. As an influencer, you can help us bring our beloved Sun Lolly brand to life and support us in our mission to make families happy. With fun products that make children smile, which in turn makes parents happy, we bring good-time moments to the entire family. 🤩👪 If you are interested in collaborating with us and bringing joy to families, please get in touch. We look forward to working with you. 👪 Thank you, Sun Lolly Team

🍎 Food brands

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244 members

Would you like to be part of an ambitious ambassador team at Ditur - Denmark's largest webshop for watches, jewelry, and accessories?⌚ Then you've come to the right place! We are on the lookout for skilled influencers and content creators who can help us reach even more people through credible and engaging content. Ditur has been on a growth journey since 2014, when the twin brothers, Mikkel and Kasper, started Ditur. Today, we can call ourselves the largest webshop in the Nordics for watches, jewelry, and accessories, with more than 8000 product numbers in our assortment, and in 2023 we also expanded significantly into more markets in Europe. If you become part of the Ditur team, you'll be part of a strong, international brand in great growth. Moreover, the Ditur team offers access to: Discount codes for yourself and your followers Cool and stylish products The opportunity to be shared on Ditur's Facebook and Instagram profile, which together have over 160,000 followers. When you enter a collaboration with Ditur, there are especially 3 things we value highly: Credibility, engagement, and trust. To be more specific, this means the following: With credibility, we mean that you should be able to communicate our products and messages at eye level with your followers, so the collaboration appears credible and natural. In other words, we will not force a specific text on you that might not fit the tone you usually communicate with your followers. With engagement, we mean that you should have a sincere interest in our brand and products. This interest and enthusiasm should shine through when you post an update or a story, so your followers are in no doubt that you think it’s cool to collaborate with Ditur. With trust, we mean that we trust you to deliver credible and engaging content tailored specifically to your followers. In other words, you know your followers best. So, if you can see yourself working with us from this brief text, you are more than welcome to apply to become part of the Ditur team. We look forward to hearing from you! Christina Ohrt Gregersen Influencer and Content Coordinator

💎 Jewelry

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